Want to apply even spacing between cells? 想要为每个小块之间产生一个间隙?
With the diminishing of grooves 'spacing, the thickness of the shell is made more thin and even, and the effect is better when grooves' spacing is less than 3 millimeters. 随着沟槽间距的减小,初生坯壳变薄,而初生坯壳厚度愈趋于均匀,并且当沟槽间距小于3mm时,效果更为明显。
Economic time series is of obvious memory, represent as the series have remarkable autocorrelation, even apart of many spacing, the historical events would influence future events for a long time. 经济时间序列具有非常明显的记忆性,表现为即使相距较远的时间间隔,序列仍然具有显著的自相关性。历史事件会长期影响未来,这就是经济时间序列的长记忆性。